
1. 好我知道,接下来只要把那边敲开或炸开,就能找到隐藏宝物对吧?   2. 这是暗门啊!里面一定是隐藏关卡或彩蛋吧! 廣告1   3. 只要是颜色不同的墙壁就一定有玄机啦!(拿出手榴弹)   4. 中间绝对是秘密入口,我保证。 廣告2   5. 哇我的天啊,是隐藏通道!   让我们来

February 18, 2016

1. 好我知道,接下来只要把那边敲开或炸开,就能找到隐藏宝物对吧?

Look, anyone who's ever played a video game knows that right behind this wall is something you can use. It might be a health pack, it might be weapon, but this just proves the world around us is a video game.


2. 这是暗门啊!里面一定是隐藏关卡或彩蛋吧!

Same for this door! This is clearly an opportunity to get through to the bonus level.


3. 只要是颜色不同的墙壁就一定有玄机啦!(拿出手榴弹)

This slightly discoloured wall can be blown up to get through to the next area. Assuming you didn't use those explosives trying to explode another discoloured wall that it turns out was just in shadow.


4. 中间绝对是秘密入口,我保证。

I mean, come on. This isn't even well hidden, so it must be a secret entrance.


5. 哇我的天啊,是隐藏通道!

It's not just hidden doors – look at this utterly inaccessible ledge. Very clearly, wedged in those corners is some sort of collectible trophy, you just have to figure out how to get there.


6. 你需要学习到二段跳才能抵达那个宝箱,但是抵达之后你会发现你还需要拿到钥匙、解开谜题才能打开宝箱。

This chest, once you get there after a bit of jumping, has a weapon upgrade, some pretty rare ammo, a map, and some coins that you'll carry around for ages assuming you'll need them eventually. You won't. They're just decoration.


7. 那里一定有重要要素,就在那张桌子上,我几乎能看到了,现在让我们绕一段长长的路去地下室或后院拿梯子吧。

There's a key over there, on that table. But you'll miss it, and only realise in 20 minutes and have to backtrack. Possibly after wandering around for what seems like forever and googling it.


8. 这就是那种…你在多人连线游戏时会碰到的地图边界。

Just like in all games, eventually you reach the limits, and something that clearly should continue onwards like a fucking train track doesn't, because of some clearly arbitrary barriers, and you have to stop and find a different way.


9. 这也是个地图边界,里面的景象都是做好看的,虽然这障碍看起来超弱,但不知为何背了一把冲锋枪、数把全自动手枪,手中还拿着巨斧的你就是进不去。

Like this door. This door is clearly part of a video game, and you cannot go in that room at all, because of the serious, unbreakable barrier in front of it.


10. 像这种出现得莫名其妙的梯子一定要爬,上面一定有重要要素。

On the other hand, this ladder is in apparently the middle of nowhere, so it is clearly the way out.


11. 绝对要冲上斜坡然后跳看看,你可能会发现隐藏要素或解开成就什么的。

Same goes for this ramp. If you go over it and stick the landing, you're sure to get bonus points.


12. 这斜坡也是一样,在那里设置一个斜坡根本没意义啊!所以这一定是要你加速冲过去。

Why else would there ever, ever be a ramp so perfectly set up like this, if you weren't supposed to go over it at high speed.


13. 又一个让你冲上去的斜坡。准备好了吗?

The perfect arrangement of this ramp for your car to drive up and take off before landing safely, definitively proves that our world is actually a video game.


14. 这只猫是个超重要的NPC,他会给你一个跟主线无关,但是奖励超丰厚的复杂支线任务。

And in this video game world we find ourselves in, cats are pretty important, because they have all the side quests.


15. 这只大概就是解主线用的。

This cat definitely has one.

16. 这只的任务绝对超重要啊!赶快去点他!快!

And this cat clearly also has one – probably a really important one, tbh.


17. 显然这个背包是你正在解的任务中的关键物品。

Alternatively, the light might just be highlighting an important item you need for your quest, like this bag. Which will contain another map, and possibly some sort of coloured feather that makes you slightly more impervious to damage.


18. 看到那个小铲子了吗?把它捡起来,之后一定会有用的。总比你往前走了一大段路后发现你得回来找这个东西好吧!

Other items aren't highlighted, but you should probably pick up this spade as well. It's going to be important later.


19. 不管怎样,打爆这面墙就对了。

Maybe it's supposed to be used to dig your way through this wall that's clearly blocking your way to the next level.


20. 如果你稍微丢个东西过去之类的,那油桶一定会爆炸。

This barrel will clearly explode if you throw something at it. Or just punch it or something.


21. 这个油桶显然是可以用枪射爆,而且是你搞定前面那辆车最快的方法。

This barrel, on the other hand, is also explosive but is in a car. Clearly intended to be a quick way to take that car out.


22. 这是最终决战的地点吧。

All these bright red propane barrels mean that this is almost definitely a location for a final battle.


23. 如果你没来由地在角落看到急救箱,那等你弯过那个转角,一定会有超恐怖的小BOSS出场…

If you see a first aid kit, whatever is around that corner is going to be dramatic.


24. 好,准备好最终决战了吧?因为这样的景象除了最终决战之外没道理存在啊!

It's about now you'll come upon this, so yes, it's time for the boss battle. Let's be honest, the only reason this could possibly exist in the real world is a boss battle.


25. 游戏实际景物的画面做得很细致,但是修到光影效果时经费不足了。

Not convinced? Let's look at the glitches then. Here, someone has clearly turned the graphic up to full, but decided to leave the shadows on the lowest setting.


26. 这很明显是个BUG,或者你需要换个更好的显示卡了。

34 Photos That Prove We're All Actually Living In A Video Game


27. 你看,树显示到一半就卡住了!

The trees don't even load above a certain point!


28. 很难决定这间「城堡」到底是没有载好,还是你等下需要跟敌人在上面展开危险的争斗追逐。

Just look at this castle. Either something's gone wrong, or this is a very specific level with challenges that mainly involve not falling off.


29. 这NPC太偷懒了!

The game we live in keeps using the same models for people, right on the same street!


30. 当你的游戏中只有大概150个不同人物模组,你就会常常看到这样的景象。

They made about 150 different models for people, and they just get used over and over again.


31. 这火就是为了阻挡你进到下一个区域,但是你还是可以在这个区域尽情探索,神奇吧!

What about this fire, that's clearly being restrained by an invisible wall, so you can stand next to it, you just can't cross it?


32. 这完全就是个游戏的BUG啊。

And this car is just clipping through the road. This is all clearly a video game.


33. 最后,射爆那面墙!

It's all clearly a video game, so you should probably just shoot this wall a few times and walk through to the next level.



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