
1. 全世界最致命的水母就在這裡。澳大利亞箱形水母有15條觸手、每條都有50萬個刺絲胞,會在刺進受害者皮膚後釋放毒液。   這就是被這種水母刺傷之後的樣子,這些毒液不但會讓你痛到哭爹喊娘,還可能讓你致命。 廣告1   2. 你可以在路上看到這種畫面,這是一隻大蟒蛇吞食

September 19, 2015

1. 全世界最致命的水母就在這裡。澳大利亞箱形水母有15條觸手、每條都有50萬個刺絲胞,會在刺進受害者皮膚後釋放毒液。

Commonly found along the Great Barrier Reef, each corner of the box jellyfish has about 15 tentacles. Each tentacle contains about 500,000 cnidocytes, which are explosive cells that inject venom into the victim.



This is what a box jellyfish sting actually looks like. Ouch! The sting of a box jellyfish causes excruciating pain and can often be fatal.


2. 你可以在路上看到這種畫面,這是一隻大蟒蛇吞食像翼龍一般的大狐蝠,澳洲獨家喔!

Did you know that pythons are this enormous? Perhaps you also weren't aware that flying foxes (which pretty much look like the modern day pterodactyl) exist? Why yes, large pythons do eat large flying foxes. No thank you, Australia.



Powerful pythons are strong enough to pull wallabies up out of the water. Wow.


3. 這種藍圈章魚出沒在12.5-20公分 (5-8英尺) 左右的澳洲淺海,牠是海中最毒的生物之一,毒液強大到能夠殺死成年人,而且沒有解毒劑。

Deceptive at a demure 5 to 8 inches, the delicate blue ring octopus is one of the most venomous creatures in the deep blue sea. There is no antidote to its venom, which is powerful enough to kill humans.


4. 這種石頭魚看起來很像珊瑚或石頭,但牠是全世界最毒的魚類之一,牠背鰭上的尖刺會注射毒液,讓人產生劇痛甚至死亡。

The sneaky stonefish can look like a rock or coral reef, but it is one of the most venomous fish in the world. Its spines, located on the dorsal fin, inject toxic venom that causes immense pain and possible death.



Here is what happens when an unsuspecting person comes in contact with a stonefish.


5. 公牛鯊、虎鯊和大白鯊都住在澳洲。牠們剛好就是全世界最危險的三種鯊魚,會在淺海出沒,而且都會主動攻擊人類。

Three of the most dangerous sharks in the world, the bull shark, tiger shark, and great white, call Australia their home. All three are extremely likely to attack humans given the chance. Let's hope that surfer didn't get attacked by this great white swimming near him.


大白鯊可以長到6.5公尺 (12英尺) 長,雖然人類不是牠們的獵物,但牠們是最常被通報無預警攻擊人類的鯊魚。

The great white shark can grow up to an incredible 21 feet long. Though humans are not their choice of prey, great whites are responsible for the highest tally of reported unprovoked attacks on humans.



Though most attacks are not fatal, tiger sharks' strategy is to dwell along shallow reefs, harbors, and canals, where they have ample opportunity to encounter unsuspecting humans. The tiger shark falls second to the great white on attacks towards humans.



Like tiger sharks, aggressive bull sharks also lurk in warm, shallow waters, giving them more interaction with humans than any other shark.


6. 袋獾只分布於澳洲的塔斯馬尼亞島,所以又被稱為「塔斯馬尼亞惡魔」。牠們是世界上最大的有袋食肉動物,在碰到人類時會緊張地顫抖或僵住。但是,牠們會吃人類的屍體,在傳說中,牠們也會吃迷失在森林中的可憐人。

Found only on Australia's island state of Tasmania, Tasmanian devils are considered the largest carnivorous marsupial in the world. The crazy critters shake nervously or become still when faced with a human. They have been known to consume the corpses of murder victims and there are also persistent myths of the devils eating unlucky humans that wander into the forest.


7. 這可不是科幻電影!這種大到不像話的螃蟹是椰子蟹,我說牠們的鉗子夾人很痛,你應該一點也不意外吧?牠們沒有致命毒液,可是牠們夾住人之後,可能會等待好一陣子,而那段時間會讓你生不如死。

No, they aren't out of a sci-fi film. These alien-like creatures are actually called coconut crabs and their grab, unsurprisingly, causes excruciating pain. However, venom isn't their secret weapon, the pain from a strike comes from the extended grip of each pinch: patient coconut crabs hold on after their attack for an agonizingly long time.


8. 這種大理石芋螺看起來不怎麼危險,但牠的毒液完全把前面幾種生物打趴了!只要一滴大理石芋螺的毒液,就能殺死20名成人,而且還沒有解藥。

Who would have thought that one of the most poisonous animals on earth would be this sweet and innocent-seeming snail? One drop of venom of the deadly venom from a marble cone snail can kill twenty humans, and there is no known antidote.


9. 澳洲有全世界最大的鹹水鱷魚,可以長到6.7公尺 (22英尺) 。牠們又快又強壯,如果人類誤入牠們的地盤,牠們也很樂意把人類當大餐。

The huge saltwater crocodile is the largest reptile in the world, with males growing up to a whopping 22 feet. They are quick and strong, and have no problem treating humans as prey if they dare to venture into the croc's territory.



Enormous saltwater crocodiles sometimes even wash up on city streets. And you thought earthworms on the sidewalk after a storm were gross.


10. 澳洲也有超多恐怖的昆蟲,像是這種食肉的行軍甲蟲。

Australia is unfortunately also home to a variety of heinous of insects, like this scary swarm of soldier beetles.


11. 也有很多超毒的蜘蛛…如果你沒看到這些噁心的蛛網就慘了。

Perhaps not shockingly, it's also where some of the world's most poisonous spiders live. Good luck unseeing this cringe-worthy web.


12. 雪梨漏斗網蜘蛛最大可以長到5公分。牠們不但攻擊性超強,而且毒液是劇毒,如果沒有及時送醫,被咬到的人就死定了。

The charming Sydney funnel web spider can grow up to 2 inches long. Their intense venom is toxic enough to cause serious injury and death if left untreated, and an aggressive defensive behavior causes them to strike multiple times when they bite.


13. 還有這種惡名昭彰的紅背蜘蛛,在澳洲所有的有毒生物中,牠最常害人去注射血清。澳洲每年有2000-10000人會被這種攻擊性超強的蜘蛛咬。

The infamous redback spider is responsible for the most incidences that require antivenom, more than any other venomous creature in all of Australia, including this list. Each year 2,000 to 10,000 humans in Australia are bit by these warrior spiders.


14. 如果你受夠有毒生物了,看看這些跟人類親密過頭的蒼蠅群吧。

But look on the bright side, in Australia, you can also be swarmed with tons and tons of (too) friendly flies.


15. 還有無數在澳洲就變得大一號的生物,像這隻蚯蚓。完全安全,只是大到嚇死人。

And everything is bigger in Australia. This is not a garden hose, it's an earthworm. An earthworm! Sure, it's not dangerous, but it is giant.


16. 澳洲的食火雞以踢人及其他生物聞名 (好像不是很好的名聲) 。這種只比鴕鳥小一些,不會飛的鳥類在受到驚嚇時就抬起鋒利的爪子踢人,牠們的爪子尖銳到可以把人開腸剖肚。

Known to kick humans and other animals if provoked, the dangerous cassowary is a flightless bird that is slightly smaller than an ostrich. Their feet have sharp, dagger-like claws, which cause serious injury that can lead to death.


17. 最後終於不是危險動物了,但在澳洲,你要隨時小心這些比撞球還大的冰雹。

Okay, so this is not a dangerous animal. But who would want to be stuck in a storm when hail bigger than pool balls is falling out of the sky? Ouch.



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