
1. 韓國仁川國際機場:旅客在這裡能去兩間電影院、一間博物館、7座花園、18 洞高爾夫球場和溜冰場可以玩耍殺時間。   旅客也能在機場的文化中心,欣賞現場的音樂演奏與舞蹈表演喔!   它可不只是以這些體貼的娛樂設施著名,知名航空服務調查機構 Skytrax 根據旅客的評論

September 18, 2015

1. 韓國仁川國際機場:旅客在這裡能去兩間電影院、一間博物館、7座花園、18 洞高爾夫球場和溜冰場可以玩耍殺時間。

Fliers at Incheon International Airport can take advantage of two cinemas, explore a museum, take a stroll in seven gardens, try their hand at an 18-hole putting course and even use an ice-skating rink


它可不只是以這些體貼的娛樂設施著名,知名航空服務調查機構 Skytrax 根據旅客的評論,將仁川機場評選為全球最乾淨的機場。

And it's not just the amenities that make it stand out - it was also named the world's cleanest airport




2. 新加坡樟宜機場:這裡有由 11 位專業的園藝家管理的迷人室內花園,裡面有 50 萬種植物、瀑布和錦鯉池。旅客可以進入向日葵花園放鬆,這花園有超過 500 株鮮豔的花朵。

Eleven full-time horticulturists maintain the stunning indoor gardens - which include half a million plants, waterfalls, and koi ponds - at Singapore Changi Airport


而且在等待的時候不用擔心一些焦躁不安的孩子,孩子和你誰不想試試看從世界上最高的機場溜滑梯滑下來會是甚麼感覺?這座溜滑梯位於第三航廈,只要一張收據上的花費達到 10 美金 (台幣 320元) 就能免費從 4 層樓高的地方溜下來喔,快去試試!

Why not try the world’s tallest slide in an airport, The Slide @ T3
對許多旅客來說這裡提供的許多免費設施會讓他們不想離開這裡。例如 Xbox 360、PS 遊戲機、電影院甚至還有一個定期展出的哈比人洞窟。



See some of the unusual displays such as a hobbit hole from The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings franchise, which was open earlier this year
新加坡樟宜機場在 2015 年被 Skytrax 評為世界最棒的機場,擁有這麼多超棒的設施,真的當之無愧!


3. 香港機場:忘記帶本雜誌娛樂自己嗎?香港機場提供各種娛樂給等待飛機的旅客。其中最著名的就是 4D IMAX 的電影體驗!

Kick back and relax: Guests can see movies at the IMAX cinema at Hong Kon, which incorporates multi-sensory effects



Kick back and relax: Guests can see movies at the IMAX cinema at Hong Kon, which incorporates multi-sensory effects



Forget having to entertain yourself with a magazine from the airport shop, the Hong Kong airport provides all kinds of distractions for waiting passengers


4. 吉隆坡國際機場:有人稱吉隆坡機場為「森林中的機場」,因為它被 86 種樹木包圍,旅客們可以在機場內的熱帶雨林環境中放鬆身心。

Relaxing paradise: Instead of looking at vast expanses of tarmac and concrete, passengers at Kuala Lumpur Airport can observe a natural oasis of trees inside



There is also 720,000 sq ft of retail space available at Kuala Lumpur International Airport, and there are plans to increase this 60 per cent to 1,133,000 sq ft
除了有 80 間客房的酒店,還有走 5 分鐘就能到的擁有 422 間客房的五星級薩馬薩瑪克利亞酒店 (Sama-Sama Hotel KLIA)。此外還有兩萬坪的購物中心讓旅客可以逛街殺時間,甚至有計劃要將此空間增加到10公頃。 


5. 拉斯維加斯麥卡倫國際機場:誰說享受賭博的樂趣一定要在拉斯維加斯賭場?旅客可以在拉斯維加斯機場迅速開始他們的賭博之旅!

If all cash has been blown during the Las Vegas stay, tourists can wander around McCarran International Airport's five art displays, which include sculptures and murals


這裡有 1234 部吃角子老虎機,若是將錢輸光了還可以參觀機場內的五大藝術展覽品,包括雕塑與壁畫。

Travellers can start gambling as soon as they touch down in McCarran International Airport as it has 1,234 slot machines within its terminals to keep fliers occupied


6. 杜拜國際機場:杜拜在任何事物上都全力以赴,機場也不例外,如果你是喜歡大手筆花費的人,這邊就是你的購物天堂!

Dubai is known for going all out with projects, and its airport is no exception. For big-spenders it is a retail paradise, being home to the world's largest duty-free store measuring 58,000 square feet


這裡有世界上最大的免稅商店,總佔地約 1630 坪。如果你想尋求放鬆,那可以去禪園 (Zen garden) 或游泳池或水療中心,在上飛機前好好舒緩壓力。

There is also a G-Force Gym in the building for those wishing to work on their fitness before indulging in the duty-free shopping
這裡還有 G-Force 健身房,一次滿足你所有的慾望~


7. 慕尼黑機場:德國擁有世界最大的啤酒節「慕尼黑啤酒節」(Oktoberfest),想當然在慕尼黑機場一定能爽爽喝上幾杯透心涼的啤酒囉~

Munich Airport has one of the world's biggest standing artificial waves for guests to try out their surfing skills before boarding a plane



Munich Airport boasts the world’s only full-fledged beer garden and in-airport brewery where fliers can sample German beers at the Airbräu brewery, and enjoy live music


8. 溫哥華國際機場:這是美洲唯一進入世界前 10 名的機場,你能在裡面俯瞰汪洋大海!

Aqua wonderland: Vancouver International Airport has a giant 20,000-gallon tank which features over 5,000 creatures
喜歡海洋生物的朋友,能看著 5 千多種生物在 7.5萬公升的大水族箱裡游來游去。


旅客能在環亞機場貴賓候機室 (Plaza Premium Lounge) 好好放鬆身心,孩子也可以在 4 個遊戲區玩耍,或是在 180 坪的候機室到處試吃食物。

Vancouver International Airport was the only one in both Americas to have been featured in the top ten in the world


9. 倫敦希斯洛機場:如果想在機場享受奢華的購物體驗,來這裡就對了!Skytrax 將這裡評選為世界上最好逛的機場,除了有佔地 310 坪的哈洛德百貨公司 (Harrods),還有 80 多家商店隨你逛~

Forget grabbing a quick sandwich, start your holiday in style at the Caviar bar inside the new terminal 2 building at Heathrow
在英國航空大樓 (British Airways Terminals) 第 1 和第 4 航廈,擁有摩頓布朗旅行水療中心 (Molton Brown Travel Spa) 讓你能好好放鬆。另外還有一個小型槌球場,能在此體驗充滿異國風情的休閒運動。


除了有個人購物小幫手能幫你找到任何想要的商品,休息室裡還有施華洛世奇 (Swarovski) 和亞歷山大麥昆 (Alexander McQueen) 專櫃,能讓你邊休息邊逛街。

The airport, which was voted the best airport for shopping at the Skytrax World Airline Awards, even boasts an 11,000 square-foot Harrods store
吃甚麼喝甚麼最難決定了…沒關係,這裡會讓你更頭痛!這邊有「戈登拉姆齊」(Gordon Ramsay)、「福南梅森」 (Fortnum & Mason) 和魚子醬生蠔酒吧 (Caviar House Oyster Bar) 間間都好吃,讓你恨不得自己擁有 3 個胃。


10. 卡達機場:為了成為未來的旅遊目的地,以豐富石油資源著稱的卡達已開始在機場上下功夫,來打動世界各地的旅客,不過它的炫目裝飾品從美麗到怪異都有…去年開張的它,據稱是花了數十億美元建造的!

The newly-remodelled Hamad Airport in Doha, Qatar, is easily one of the most luxurious in the world. The terminal itself cost billions to build - and the outlay is evident in this gold-plated coffee shop counter
裡面還有為了文化愛好者而設計的迷你藝廊,以及 927 坪的商務休息室。


身為世上最奢華的機場之一,在入口處有一個超級大的泰迪熊燈似乎便不那麼令人意外。但這邊還有鍍金咖啡亭、F1 賽車真實比例複製品,以及時尚酒店中提供給 VIP 旅客做 3 小時短暫休息的總統套房。

There are also works of art throughout the terminal, like the over-size Lamp Bear by Swiss artist Urs Fishcer (pictured)
 機場裡分散著 80 間店,亞曼尼 (Armani)、香奈兒 (Chanel)、愛馬仕 (Hermes) 和寶格麗 (Bulgari) 通通都能在這裡找到。




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