
在迪士尼庆祝 60 周年的时候,我们是不是也该对这个奇幻乐园有更深的认识呢~现在就来看看关于迪士尼乐园的小知识吧!     1.迪士尼在 1955 年 7 月 17 日已有 18 项设施,现今已有 51 项游乐设施。 廣告1   2.迪士尼一开始的入场费只要美金一元 (台币31元),现在则需美

July 21, 2015

在迪士尼庆祝 60 周年的时候,我们是不是也该对这个奇幻乐园有更深的认识呢~现在就来看看关于迪士尼乐园的小知识吧!

Disneyland's 60th birthday is today. In celebration of being the happiest place on Earth for 6 decades, here are some facts about the park you might not have known.


1.迪士尼在 1955 年 7 月 17 日已有 18 项设施,现今已有 51 项游乐设施。

Disneyland originally opened with 18 attractions on July 17th, 1955. There are now 51 attractions.


2.迪士尼一开始的入场费只要美金一元 (台币31元),现在则需美金 99 元 (台币 3080元)。

Disneyland started out charging $1 for admission. Now it will cost you $99 to enter the park.


3.已有超过 7亿人曾去过迪士尼乐园玩。

Over 700 million people have attended the park as guests.


4.「小小世界」( A Small World) 的建筑外表完全是由金箔所覆蓋。

The It’s A Small World building’s facade is completely covered in gold leaf.


5. 在 1995 年 7 月 17 日时,迪士尼在睡美人城堡前埋下一颗时空胶囊,将会在 50 年后,即 2045 年将胶囊取出。

A time capsule was buried in front of Sleeping Beauty’s Castle on July 17th 1995 and will be opened 50 years later in 2045.</p><br /><br /> <p>Via Business Insider



It only took 1 year to build the park.


7.这位先生奥斯卡 (Oscar Martinez) 从 1956 年 12 月开始便在迪士尼工作,是任职最长的工作人员,现在还在「康乃馨咖啡厅」(Carnation Cafe) 工作。

Starting in December 1956, Oscar Martinez is the longest-serving Disneyland cast member. He works in the Carnation Cafe.


8.华特‧迪士尼 (Walt Disney) 曾住在乐园主要街道的消防局上,现在你看到该处窗上的灯光便代表着华特‧迪士尼的存在。

Walt Disney had his own secret apartment on Main Street above the Fire Department. The light in the window that shines today signifies Walt’s presence.


9.史蒂芬 (Steven Martin) 和蜜雪儿 (Michelle Pfeiffer) 在进入好莱坞之前,都曾在迪士尼工作过,史蒂芬当时是一位魔术师,蜜雪儿则是《爱丽丝梦游仙境》里的爱丽丝。

Before hitting it big in Hollywood, both Steven Martin and Michelle Pfeiffer worked at Disneyland. Martin was a magician and Pfeiffer was Alice in Wonderland.


10.这几年来,迪士尼共计售出超过 8400 万顶米奇耳朵帽。

Over the years, more than 84 million Mickey Mouse ears have been sold.


11.在 1959 年 6 月 14 日迪士尼单轨列车开幕时,成为当时西半球唯一每日营运的单轨列车。

When the monorail opened on June 14, 1959 it was the only daily operating monorail in the western hemisphere.


12.迪士尼在 2000 年前,是禁止所有员工有胡子和染发的,现在一些特定的穿洞穿环依然是禁止的。

Disneyland employees were banned from having mustaches, beards, and colored hair until 2000. Some types of piercings are still not allowed.


13.迪士尼私人俱乐部 Clubb 33 是乐园中唯一有提供酒的地点,这个地方是华特‧迪士尼招待贵宾的隐藏景点。

Disneyland’s Clubb 33 is the only place in the park that serves alcohol. It used to be a secret spot where Walt hosted VIPs.


14.在乐园开幕不久,华特‧迪士尼便和老婆在豪华马克吐温号上庆祝两人的结婚 30 周年纪念日。

Shortly after the park opened, Walt and his wife celebrated their 30th anniversary on the Mark Twain Riverboat.

来源:The Chive


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