
以下我們囊括了各大攝影比賽,在2014年當中的最佳作品,每個比賽都有上千上萬的攝影師投稿,其中,真的能脫穎而出的,就是這些佼佼者了: 2014國家地理頻道旅行者攝影比賽 (National Geographic Traveler Photo Contest)  年度冠軍:”獨立紀念日 (The Independenc

January 19, 2015


2014國家地理頻道旅行者攝影比賽 (National Geographic Traveler Photo Contest) 

年度冠軍:”獨立紀念日 (The Independence Day)”由Marko Korošec所攝。

Grand Prize - "The Independence Day" by Marko Korošec
travel.nationalgeographic.com (下載圖片)


亞軍:”第一次 (First Time)”由Agnieszka Traczewska所攝。

Second place – "First Time" by Agnieszka Traczewska
travel.nationalgeographic.com (下載圖片)


季軍:”奇幻國度的潛水夫 (Diver in Magic Kingdom)”由Marc Henauer所攝。

Third place – "Diver in Magic Kingdom" by Marc Henauer
travel.nationalgeographic.com (下載圖片)


佳作:”迷霧小鎮 (Foggy Small Town)”由Duowen Chen所攝。

Merit – "Foggy Small Town" by Duowen Chen
travel.nationalgeographic.com (下載圖片)


佳作:”世界末日 (End of the World)”由Sean Hacker Teper所攝。

Merit – "End of the World" by Sean Hacker Tepertravel.nationalgeographic.com (下載影片)


佳作:”等待的女士們(Ladies in Waiting)”由Susie Stern所攝。

Merit – "Ladies in Waiting" by Susie Stern
travel.nationalgeographic.com (下載圖片)


佳作:”撒哈拉的愜意停歇 (A Well Earned Rest in the Sahara)”由Evan Cole所攝。

Merit – "A Well Earned Rest in the Sahara" by Evan Coletravel.nationalgeographic.com (下載影片)


佳作: “神聖的妝容(Divine Makeover)”由Mahesh Balasubramanian所攝。

Merit – "Divine Makeover" by Mahesh Balasubramaniantravel.nationalgeographic.com (下載圖片)


佳作:”光源 (Light Source)”由Marcelo Castro所攝。

Merit – "Light Source" by Marcelo Castro
travel.nationalgeographic.com (下載影片)


佳作:”魔鬼的指關節的和平 (Khotso Peace at Devil’s Knuckles)”由Byron Inggs所攝。

Merit – "Khotso Peace at Devil's Knuckles" by Byron Inggs
travel.nationalgeographic.com (下載圖片)


2014年度最佳攝影師 (Astronomy Photographer of the Year 2014)

年度優勝:”冰川潟湖上的極光(Aurora Over a Glacier Lagoon)”由James Woodend所攝。

Overall winner – "Aurora Over a Glacier Lagoon" by James Woodend
Astronomy Photographer of the Year 2014 (下載圖片)


優勝|宇宙組:”馬頭星雲 (Horsehead Nebula <IC 434>)”由Bill Snyder所攝。

Winner, Deep Space – "Horsehead Nebula (IC 434)" by Bill Snyder
Astronomy Photographer of the Year 2014 (下載圖片)


優勝|太陽系組:”池塘的漣漪 (Ripples in a Pond)”由Alexandra Hart所攝。

Winner, Our Solar System – "Ripples in a Pond" by Alexandra Hart
Astronomy Photographer of the Year 2014 (下載圖片)


2014英國皇家園藝學會攝影比賽 (Royal Horticultural Society Photographic Competition 2014)

年度優勝:”The Parc Botanique de Haute Bretagne, Brittany”由Alain Jouno所攝。

RHS Photographer of the Year winner – "The Parc Botanique de Haute Bretagne, Brittany" by Alain Jouno
RHS Photographer of the Year 2014 (下載圖片)


“視野 (The View)”由Christine Fitzgerald所攝。

"The View" by Christine Fitzgerald
RHS Photographer of the Year 2014 (下載圖片)


人氣獎:”藍鈴花叢裡的麆鹿 (Roe Deer in a Bluebell Wood)”由Don Hooper所攝。

Highly commended – "Roe Deer in a Bluebell Wood" by Don Hooper
RHS Photographer of the Year 2014 (下載圖片)


季軍:”藍鈴花叢 (Bluebell Wood)”由David Shandley所攝。

Third place, Seasons – "Bluebell Wood" by David Shandley
RHS Photographer of the Year 2014 (下載圖片)


亞軍:”我的野生圖像 (My Wildlife Picture)”由Sara Hussain所攝。

Second place, Under 11 – "My Wildlife Picture" by Sara Hussain
RHS Photographer of the Year 2014 (下載圖片)


人氣獎:”迷霧之島 (Island Mist) “由Robert Fulton所攝。

Highly commended, Seasons – "Island Mist" by Robert Fulton
RHS Photographer of the Year 2014 (下載圖片)


世邦魏理仕城市攝影家大賽 (CBRE Urban Photographer of the Year 2014)

年度優勝:”社會的假面 (Mask of Society) “由Marius Veith所攝。

Overall winner – "Mask of Society" by Marius Veith
CBRE Urban Photographer of the Year 2014 (下載圖片)


優勝:”織網 (Net Mending) “由Ly Hoang Long所攝。

Winner, Asia-Pacific – "Net Mending" by Ly Hoang Long
CBRE Photographer of the Year 2014 (下載圖片)


優勝|13-15歲組:”遙遠的輪廓 (A Distant Silhouette) “由Sarah Scarborough所攝。

Winner, Age 13–15 – "A Distant Silhouette" by Sarah Scarborough
CBRE Photographer of the Year 2014 (下載圖片)


優勝|16-25歲組:”耶誕電車 (Christmas Tram) “由Szabolcs Simo所攝。

Winner, Age 16–25 – "Christmas Tram" by Szabolcs Simo
CBRE Photographer of the Year 2014 (下載圖片)


“晨間按摩 (Morning Massage) “由Arunava Bhowmik所攝。

"Morning Massage" by Arunava Bhowmik
CBRE Photographer of the Year 2014 (下載圖片)


“展覽 (An Exhibition) “由Manuel Paz-Castanal所攝。

"An Exhibition" by Manuel Paz-Castanal
CBRE Photographer of the Year 2014 (下載圖片)


“污水工人 (Sewage Worker) “由Sujan Sarkar所攝。

"Sewage Worker" by Sujan Sarkar
CBRE Photographer of the Year 2014 (下載圖片)


威盧克斯攝影大賽 (Velux Lovers of Light Photography Competition 2014)

年度優勝:”晨曦 (Early Light) “由Graham Colling所攝。

Overall winner – "Early Light" by Graham Colling
Velux Lovers of Light (下載圖片)


亞軍:”霧中的旋轉木馬 (Carousel in the Myst) “由Marko Stamatovic所攝。

Second place – "Carousel in the Myst" by Marko Stamatovic
VELUX Lovers of Light 2014 (下載圖片)


季軍:”冬季破曉 (Winter Sunrise Over) “由Stephen Banks所攝。

Third place – "Winter Sunrise Over" by Stephen Banks
VELUX Lovers of Light 2014 (下載圖片)


2014年度最佳野外攝影師 (Wildlife Photographer of the Year 2014)

年度優勝:”最後的美景 (The Last Great Picture) “由Michael Nichols所攝。

Overall winner – "The Last Great Picture" by Michael Nichols
Wildlife Photographer of the Year 2014 (下載圖片)


優勝:”日光下的毒針 (Stinger in the Sun) “由Carlos Perez Naval所攝。

Winner, Young Wildlife Photographer of the Year – "Stinger in the Sun" by Carlos Perez Naval
Wildlife Photographer of the Year 2014 (下載圖片)


優勝:”天啟 (Apocalypse) “由Francisco Negroni所攝。

Winner, Earth's Environments – "Apocalypse" by Francisco Negroni
Wildlife Photographer of the Year 2014 (下載圖片)


優勝:”付出的代價 (The Price They Pay) “由Bruno D’Amicis所攝。

Winner, World in Our Hands – "The Price They Pay" by Bruno D'Amicis
Wildlife Photographer of the Year 2014 (下載圖片)


入圍:”野性精神 (Feral Spirits) “由Sam Hobson所攝。

Finalist, Birds – "Feral Spirits" by Sam Hobson
Wildlife Photographer of the Year 2014 (下載圖片)


入圍:”水母煙火 (Jelly Fireworks) “由Geo Cloete所攝。

Finalist, Underwater Species – "Jelly Fireworks" by Geo Cloete
Wildlife Photographer of the Year 2014 (下載圖片)


入圍:”奇幻山 (Magic Mountain) “由David Clapp所攝。

Finalist, Earth's Environments – "Magic Mountain" by David Clapp
Wildlife Photographer of the Year 2014 (下載圖片)


入圍:”一針見血 (Touché) “由Jan van der Greef所攝。

Finalist, Birds – "Touché" by Jan van der Greef
Wildlife Photographer of the Year 2014 (下載圖片)


2014國家地理雜誌攝影大賽 (2014 National Geographic Photographic Contest)

優勝:”黑暗中的節點 (A Node Glows in the Dark) “由Brian Yen所攝。

Winner, Grand Prize and People – "A Node Glows in the Dark" by Brian Yen
photography.nationalgeographic.com (下載圖片)


優勝:”大遷徙 (The Great Migration) “由Nicole Cambré所攝。

Winner, Nature – "The Great Migration" by Nicole Cambré
photography.nationalgeographic.com (下載圖片)


優勝:”沐浴於布達佩斯 (Bathing in Budapest) “由Triston Yeo所攝。

Winner, Places – "Bathing in Budapest" by Triston Yeo
photography.nationalgeographic.com (下載圖片)


榮譽獎:”黑暗中的孩童 (Children in the Darkness) “由Abdullah Alghajar所攝。

Honourable mention, People – "Children in the Darkness" by Abdullah Alghajar
photography.nationalgeographic.com (下載圖片)


榮譽獎:”Biltigiri”由Mattia Passarini所攝。

Honourable mention, People – "Biltigiri" by Mattia Passarini
photography.nationalgeographic.com (下載圖片)


榮譽獎:”小屋內的下午茶 (Tea Time in the Hut) “由Karie Puret所攝。

Honourable mention, People – "Tea Time in the Hut" by Karie Puret
photography.nationalgeographic.com (下載圖片)


榮譽獎:”兄弟與我 (My Brothers and I) “由Tyler Greenfield所攝。

Honourable mention, People – "My Brothers and I" by Tyler Greenfield
photography.nationalgeographic.com (下載圖片)


榮譽獎:”霍姆斯的殘骸 (Destroyed Homs) “由Sergey Ponomarev所攝。

Honourable mention, Places – "Destroyed Homs" by Sergey Ponomarev
photography.nationalgeographic.com (下載圖片)


榮譽獎:”風暴 (The Storm) “由Aytül Akbaş所攝。

Honourable mention, Places – "The Storm" by Aytül Akbaş
photography.nationalgeographic.com (下載圖片)





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