
这名中年大叔Jay Lavery因为这支影片,成为了网路大红人。他在刊登影片时说:「又是到今年『来动一下大挑战』的时候了。当我在打理我的榖仓时,跳舞就是我取暖的方法,我从来都不知道我什么时候会忽然开始热舞!很多人不知道的是,我15年前伤到了脊椎,多年来一直都很痛

March 15, 2017

名中年大叔Jay Lavery因为这支影片,成为了网路大红人。他在刊登影片时说:「又是到今年『来动一下大挑战』的时候了。当我在打理我的榖仓时,跳舞就是我取暖的方法,我从来都不知道我什么时候会忽然开始热舞!很多人不知道的是,我15年前伤到了脊椎,多年来一直都很痛。跳舞、瑜伽、和冥想是我几的最好的止痛方法。所以我希望这支影片可以启发一些跟我同样处境的人。」




It’s that time of the year for the Lets Move Challenge. Dancing is how I stay warm in the barn and I never know when I’m going to break out into a dance. But what most people don’t know is that 15 years ago I had a traumatic back injury that caused me to have several back surgeries including a discectomy and a spinal fusion and never ending back pain. Dancing along with yoga and meditation are my only alternatives to pain medication. So I hope this can inspire anyone to move in spite of pain and I hope this puts a smile on your face for the New Year.

Posted by Jay Lavery on Friday, December 30, 2016


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