
1. 班比死去的妈妈 (R.I.P.) 在电影刚开始时的森林中有出现!   2. 在电影一开始彩绘玻璃上的拉丁文「Vincit qui se vincit」就是电影的主题:战胜自己的人就能够战胜。 廣告1   3. 贝儿的爸爸莫里斯在森林迷路时,牌子上写的指标其实是安那翰 (加州迪士尼乐园所在地)

March 13, 2017

1. 班比死去的妈妈 (R.I.P.) 在电影刚开始时的森林中有出现!

Bambi's mother (RIP) can be seen roaming the forest near the Beast's castle at the beginning of the movie.


2. 在电影一开始彩绘玻璃上的拉丁文「Vincit qui se vincit」就是电影的主题:战胜自己的人就能够战胜。

The Latin phrase "Vincit qui se vincit," which appears on the stained glass at the beginning of the movie, is basically the moral of the story: It means "He conquers who conquers himself."


3. 贝儿的爸爸莫里斯在森林迷路时,牌子上写的指标其实是安那翰 (加州迪士尼乐园所在地) 跟瓦伦西亚 (加州艺术学院所在地,也是许多动画师就读的学校)。

The faded sign Maurice encounters while lost in the woods points to cities in Southern California: Anaheim, home to Disneyland, and Valencia, home to the California Institute of the Arts, where many animators study.


4. 贝儿在喷水池旁读的书看起来就像是《美女与野兽》原作,插画的标题则写着「白马王子」。

The illustration in the book Belle reads at the fountain looks a LOT like Beauty and the Beast itself. And the caption? It translates to "Prince Charming."


5. 贝儿站在山丘上唱歌的桥段是向经典电影《真善美》致敬。



6. 在村民们合唱「她跟我们都不一样」时,贝儿是唯一穿蓝色的人,凸显出她的特别。

When the townspeople sing, "She's nothing like the rest of us," they're not wrong: Belle is the only villager wearing blue, further emphasizing her ~difference~.


7. 贝儿穿蓝色的是因为动画师参考了《绿野仙踪》中桃乐丝的造型。


8. 就连野兽的其中一个造型都向胆小狮致敬!


9. 在最后一幕中,为了省钱,其实只有贝儿跟亚当王子在动。


10. 而且动画师还重新用了《睡美人》中舞会的画面。

Animators also reused 30-year-old animation from Sleeping Beauty, and we've got the receipts to prove it:


11. 在加斯顿展现自己有多MAN的炫耀墙上有只青蛙!

Among the many taxidermy animal heads on "macho" man Gaston's walls is...a frog. ??


12. 野兽城堡中的收藏竟然有「戴珍珠耳环的少女」!

The Beast had quite the art collection in his castle: That's Vermeer's Girl With a Pearl Earring behind Cogsworth!


13. 部分野兽城堡中的吓人雕像跟雨漏其实是早期野兽的雏型!

Also in the Beast's castle: other beasts! The terrifying statues and gargoyles are scrapped early versions of the title character.


14. 你仔细看会发现葛士华背后上发条的地方其实是米奇的形状!


15. 图书馆上方的装饰跟一开始的玻璃罩上也都有米奇耳朵的图案。



16. 野兽变身时的烟雾是真的烟,不过他们是偷用《黑神锅传奇》这部动画中使用的烟雾!



17. 最后,在加斯顿掉下悬崖时,他的瞳孔中有小小的骷髅头,暗示他确认死亡!

Finally, while we never see Gaston go splat after falling, the skulls in his pupils are meant to confirm his death. ??



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