
美国家喻户晓的卡通《辛普森家族》又再度神预言!有眼尖的网友发现《辛普森家族》在2012年时就神准预言女神卡卡会在超级杯进行中场表演,连表演形式都神准预言!   该集的标题就叫《Lisa Goes Gaga》,动画中的卡卡穿着厚底的长统靴,整体金属造型其实都跟女神卡卡在超

February 7, 2017


该集的标题就叫《Lisa Goes Gaga》,动画中的卡卡穿着厚底的长统靴,整体金属造型其实都跟女神卡卡在超级杯中场的演出造型颇具相似度。


超级杯的表演上,女神卡卡站在NRG Stadium的屋顶边缘,跟无人机完成一段精彩表演后,吊钢丝从屋顶飞下,动作也跟卡通中十分神似。

Getting ready to rock: The cartoon Gaga was also wearing very sexy knee-high boots just like the ones she actually wore


Hell of a halftime show! Lady Gaga sang America The Beautiful from atop the stadium in Houston at the star of her Super Bowl 51 performance



Going Gaga for her: The harness was still visible as she performed to the crowd


Doing what she does best: She showed off her dance moves on the stage in the clip


Music speaks for itself: Her hit "Born This Way" became a gay rights anthem but in the context of Sunday's show fit into the idea of accepting differences, a thread through much of the game's commercial messaging



Weird: Lady Gaga looked decidedly similar to her real performance which happened on Sunday night 


Fierce: Lady Gaga's Super Bowl half time show began with a rendition of This is Your Land and transformed into a barnstorming rendition of her greatest hits 


许多网友也注意到这惊人的神预言:「《辛普森家族》预言了一切。#超级杯 #百事半场」

Shock: Twitter went wild with people noticing the comparisons between the cartoon and real life



Bart-y for it: Twitter went wild with the comparisons as the cartoon Gaga even wore the same colour clothing as she did 



It's beyond satire': The Simpsons predicted Donald would become US President 16 years ago in an episode called Bart To The Future - he also appeared in another episode last year called Trumptastic Voyage (pictured) 



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加入粉絲團! 《辛普森家族》94狂!5年前就神准预言「女神卡卡超级杯中场表演」相似度百分百!留言按此 好友人數分享! 好友人數加入好友