
1. 当乔伊 (Joey Wagner) 发现3个月大的魔汁 (Mojo) 时,他的情况相当糟糕,乔伊立刻就将他带到兽医院,没想到兽医检查出来魔汁有严重的毛囊虫症,症状太过严重,健康状况堪忧,能不能活下来都是未知数,可能无法像其他一般狗狗一样接受领养。   2.当下乔伊立刻就决定回

June 11, 2016

1. 当乔伊 (Joey Wagner) 发现3个月大的魔汁 (Mojo) 时,他的情况相当糟糕,乔伊立刻就将他带到兽医院,没想到兽医检查出来魔汁有严重的毛囊虫症,症状太过严重,健康状况堪忧,能不能活下来都是未知数,可能无法像其他一般狗狗一样接受领养。

Mojo after vets declared that he likely wouldn't pull through the demodectic mange.



Mojo was just a three-month-old puppy when Joey Wagner found the disheveled dog living in horrific conditions due to a neglectful previous owner. Joey attempted to rescue the puppy by immediately taking him to a animal hospital. However, vets found that the puppy was suffering from a severe case of demodectic mange, and likely Mojo’s state of health was too severe to come back from. The vets estimated Mojo wouldn't last more than a few days and his condition was actually so dramatic that it was impossible for ordinary adoptions, and so that’s when Wagner decided once again to be the man of the hour by adopting the pup himself.
Mojo was shy at first when dealing with strangers, likely due to the previous neglectful owners, but as soon as he recognized his savior his excitement and appreciation could not be contained. Mojo leapt into Joey's arms and embraced his new owner without hesitation.


3. 而且魔汁最后也成功恢复健康!

pit bull rescued happy 6 Pit bull puppy gushes after seeing his rescuer back to adopt him (8 Photos)


4. 距离上次的濒死经验已经过了2年,虽然他的毛因为疾病的关系没有办法长齐,但他现在已经有了新家庭,是只快乐的狗狗!

Since his near death experience, 2 years have passed, and though Mojo's fur never fully returned, he has been a joyful dog living happily with his new family.


5. 他不但勇敢的活了下来,还让许多人的心中充满爱跟希望~

“Mojo’s will to live was enormous! He filled the hearts of so many people with love, hope and forgiveness”



pit bull rescued happy 0 Pit bull puppy gushes after seeing his rescuer back to adopt him (8 Photos)


7. 他还有了新朋友!

Mojo with his new animal companion.  Via Hope for Mojo h/t Boredpanda



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