
1. 魔术方块的新境界。   2. 键盘形状的烤松饼机。 廣告1   3. 冰箱用的iPhone图示磁铁。   4. 一次可以发射5条橡皮筋的木枪。 廣告2   5. 能让你一边做数独的卫生纸。 廣告3   6. 多功能USB。   7. 光剑筷子。   8. 社群网站靠枕。   9. 俄罗斯方块长椅。   10. 配备键

October 3, 2015

1. 魔术方块的新境界。

A new take on a Rubik's cube.


2. 键盘形状的烤松饼机。

A waffle iron in the shape of a keyboard.


3. 冰箱用的iPhone图示磁铁。

iPhone app magnets for your fridge.


4. 一次可以发射5条橡皮筋的木枪。

A rubber band gun that fires five rubber bands consecutively.


5. 能让你一边做数独的卫生纸。

Toilet paper you can do Sudoku on - a perfect way to pass the time.


6. 多功能USB。

This awesome USB drive and multi-tool.


7. 光剑筷子。

Lightsaber chopsticks so that the Pad Thai force will always be with you.


8. 社群网站靠枕。

The social media pillows that belong on every tech-lover's couch.


9. 俄罗斯方块长椅。

This Tetris table would look awesome in any living room.


10. 配备键盘和滑鼠的裤子。

Wearing a keyboard while sitting at a keyboard is so meta.


11. 可以自由拼凑形状的俄罗斯方块沙发。

The Tetris couch, that can be moved and manipulated in all kinds of ways.


12. 小精灵座椅。

A Pacman sofa for every game-lover's home.


13. 键盘皮包。

This keyboard bag is sure to turn some heads.


14. 太空侵略者砧板。

Space Invaders makes vegetable chopping so much more fun.


15. 小精灵椅。

The “PacM” chair, making you look cooler than you ever thought possible.


16. 颜文字浴帘。

A text talk shower curtain, so you can brush up on your emoticons while deep conditioning.


17. 复古游戏机iPad放置架。

This iPad arcade cabinet  combines past awesomeness with current technology.


18. 写上你的IP的订制擦鞋垫。

An IP address door mat so you always know you're home.


19. 8位元挂衣架。

An 8-bit hanger for all of your clothes.


20. Reddit网站小外星人造型香皂。

The adorable Reddit alien in soap form.


21. 上面写了「储存」的存钱筒。

A Save bank that actually helps you save.



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