
位于爱尔兰西部的五星级阿什福德城堡饭店 (Ashford Castle) 日前被评选为「世界上最棒的旅馆」,这座源自13世纪的城堡,总占地约为350英亩 (43万坪)。   阿什福德城堡饭店在奢华旅游代理平台Virtuoso举办的年度颁奖活动中,获得最高荣耀。这里是爱尔兰最古老的城堡之一

December 11, 2015

位于爱尔兰西部的五星级阿什福德城堡饭店 (Ashford Castle) 日前被评选为「世界上最棒的旅馆」,这座源自13世纪的城堡,总占地约为350英亩 (43万坪)。

Set on 350 acres of stunning land in western Ireland, the five-star Ashford Castle has been named the best hotel in the world


阿什福德城堡饭店在奢华旅游代理平台Virtuoso举办的年度颁奖活动中,获得最高荣耀。这里是爱尔兰最古老的城堡之一,除了本身富丽典雅的建筑设计,后来还耗资了6700万欧元 (约台币24亿元) 整修,最近才重新向大众开放。

Ashford Castle was named the world's best hotel at an annual awards event held by Virtuoso, a network of international travel agents


酒店位于爱尔兰梅奥郡第二大湖克里布湖 (Lough Corrib) 的岸边,里面共有82间奢华客房,要在这里享受一晚奢侈、非凡的设施可不便宜,旺季时、在这里住上一晚要价500-2500欧元(台币1.8万-9万)!

Ashford boasts elegant designs and recently reopened to the public after undergoing a €67million (£50million) renovation


这边也是爱尔兰第一间驯鹰学校,图片这只猫头鹰是常驻于旅馆的丁格尔 (Dingle),你可以在求婚的特别时刻租借他来帮你送戒指 (超酷)。

The hotel's resident owl, Dingle, can be rented to be a key player in that special moment of a wedding proposal


楼中楼的房间里拥有原始的壁炉、挑高的天花板,透过落地窗还能看见克里布湖风景。除此之外还有挂满墙的绘画艺术品以及佳士得 (Christie) 的高级四柱床。

The tradition of afternoon tea, served in the Connaught Room, has been preserved at Ashford Castle since 1868


这个城堡最早是由诺尔曼系英国人伯格 (Burgo) 家族于1228年建立,拥有一本像是名人录的访客留言板。后来曾被吉尼斯 (Guinness) 家族拥有,在此举办过多次皇室、政商名人的聚会。

Ashford Castle's junior suites boast magnificent bathtubs, Voya toiletries and a selection of soaps from perfumeries


曾住在此酒店的贵宾有明星约翰韦恩 (John Wayne)、玛琳奥哈拉 (Maureen O’Hara)、披头四的约翰蓝侬及布莱德彼特,政治人物则有乔治五世 (King George V) 与美国总统雷根 (Ronald Reagan),总统套房便是以雷根作为命名。

Ashford Castle recently added a 32-seat cinema and plush billiards room, where guests can relax with a glass of their favourite tipple



Presidential room


阿什福德城堡饭店总经理尼尔 (Niall Rochford) 在声明中表示:「我谨代表阿什福德城堡与红康乃馨酒店,很高兴能得到奢华旅型产业的最高奖项之一:《Virtuoso Hotel of the Year (年度顶级饭店之意)》。

Ashford Castle is located on the banks of Lough Corrib, Ireland's second largest lake


「在过去几年中,阿什福德城堡饭店已成为梦幻经验旅行的代名词,所有困难的工作都在图尔曼 (Tollman) 家族与酒店工作团队在7500万美金 (台币24亿元) 的修复中克服了。」

Guests can take part in archery or clay pigeon shooting, go for a round of golf, fish in the lough or ride horses along the water



Ashford Castle has hosted royalty, dignitaries and celebrities



The guest book includes King George V, US President Ronald Reagan and actor Brad Pitt



The hotel's bar was built in the late 1800s especially for the visit of the Prince of Wales, who subsequently became King George V
At peak season, the presidential suite is available for a staggering €2,500 a night
Staterooms are €1,375 a night at peak season






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分類:艺术, 世界
加入粉絲團! 这座13世纪城堡花24亿翻修后被选为「世界最棒的饭店」,看到里面超猛设备你会明白一晚要价9万真的很值得…留言按此 好友人數分享! 好友人數加入好友