
今年 29 岁美丽的瑞秋 (Rachelle Friedman Chapman) 在一次派对中意外受伤导致瘫痪。当时她的朋友将她推入水池,瑞秋撞上自己的头、伤到脊髓,导致胸腔以下从此无法动弹。   意外至今已经过 5 年,瑞秋如今已嫁给 32 岁的爱人克里斯 (Chris Chapman),并透过代孕而拥有

August 4, 2015

今年 29 岁美丽的瑞秋 (Rachelle Friedman Chapman) 在一次派对中意外受伤导致瘫痪。当时她的朋友将她推入水池,瑞秋撞上自己的头、伤到脊髓,导致胸腔以下从此无法动弹。

Bride who was paralysed at her hen party poses with catheter on show – looks completely awesome


意外至今已经过 5 年,瑞秋如今已嫁给 32 岁的爱人克里斯 (Chris Chapman),并透过代孕而拥有一位小孩。

Rachelle Friedman Chapman: #whatmakesmesexy  isabled bodies are just as sexy -- and just as good at sex -- as abled bodies are.   Rachelle Friedman Chapman was 24 years old when she was paralyzed from the chest down after a freak accident the night of her bachelorette party in 2010. Now, a public speaker and author, the married mother of one shares her story often to show that being disabled means her life has changed, but it's definitely not over.   To combat the common assumptions that disabled people can't be sexy or don't make great sex partners, Chapman did a beautiful boudoir photoshoot in nothing but lingerie.  "I think a lot of people have a hard time seeing through the wheelchair so here I am, this is me without the chair. But I'm actually the exact same person," Chapman told The Huffington Post. "I hope it will make people think. People with disabilities still have sex


她决定展示出「身障者的不同面貌」,为了证明身障者和一般人一样性感,她发起了「是甚么让我性感」( #WhatMakesMeSexy) 的活动,上传一系列仅穿着内衣裤、露出导管的性感照。

Rachelle Friedman Chapman: #whatmakesmesexy  isabled bodies are just as sexy -- and just as good at sex -- as abled bodies are.   Rachelle Friedman Chapman was 24 years old when she was paralyzed from the chest down after a freak accident the night of her bachelorette party in 2010. Now, a public speaker and author, the married mother of one shares her story often to show that being disabled means her life has changed, but it's definitely not over.   To combat the common assumptions that disabled people can't be sexy or don't make great sex partners, Chapman did a beautiful boudoir photoshoot in nothing but lingerie.  "I think a lot of people have a hard time seeing through the wheelchair so here I am, this is me without the chair. But I'm actually the exact same person," Chapman told The Huffington Post. "I hope it will make people think. People with disabilities still have sex



Rachelle Friedman Chapman: #whatmakesmesexy  isabled bodies are just as sexy -- and just as good at sex -- as abled bodies are.   Rachelle Friedman Chapman was 24 years old when she was paralyzed from the chest down after a freak accident the night of her bachelorette party in 2010. Now, a public speaker and author, the married mother of one shares her story often to show that being disabled means her life has changed, but it's definitely not over.   To combat the common assumptions that disabled people can't be sexy or don't make great sex partners, Chapman did a beautiful boudoir photoshoot in nothing but lingerie.  "I think a lot of people have a hard time seeing through the wheelchair so here I am, this is me without the chair. But I'm actually the exact same person," Chapman told The Huffington Post. "I hope it will make people think. People with disabilities still have sex

来源:Revolution Studios


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加入粉絲團! 这个美女因为意外而导致下身瘫痪,但她要用这些美照扭转你对残障的刻板印象!留言按此 好友人數分享! 好友人數加入好友