
 看完电影《侏罗纪世界》后,相信你心花荡漾的全都是主角克里斯·普瑞特那销魂的帅样,但等等,这位大明星可不只在电影里头是英雄喔!看完以下他的行为,你会更爱上他。   正逢在美国路易斯安那州 (Louisiana) 拍戏的他,拨了空去探望在儿童之家里头的病童,并将「训练迅

June 24, 2015


Passing on his skills: Chris Pratt taught some special kids how to train dinosaurs on Saturday at the Our Lady of the Lake Children's Hospital in Louisiana 


正逢在美国路易斯安那州 (Louisiana) 拍戏的他,拨了空去探望在儿童之家里头的病童,并将「训练迅猛龙」的能力传授给他们,让他们未来也能成为驯龙大师。

Hands on: Chris also joined in playtime and was taught a thing or two in return by some of the the patients 



The inspiration: In Jurassic World, the star's character jumps into the velociraptor pen to calm three of the terrifying dinosaurs 



Understands: A father himself, Chris is all too aware of how hard it can be to have a child in hospital, as his and wife Anna Farris' son Jack was born almost three months premature in August 2012


Special souvenir: The star gave the children at the hospital some toys and signed big movie posters 



Touching moment: The Guardians Of The Galaxy star was seen quietly talking to a boy in a private room away from onlookers


Time out: The actor is in town filming but took a break so that he could come see the kids

来源:Daily Mail


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