
1. 毛丝鼠好可爱啊! Reddit / CN4President   2. 鸽子宝宝,刚刚在我白色衬衫上大号的是你吗? Imgur / Pigeonlove 廣告1   3. 豪猪宝宝的发型原来这么fashion啊!好像贝克汉啊! Reddit / Rolling_Toaster   4. 刺猬宝宝全部缩成一团的模样,萌翻了! Reddit / Baudou

May 27, 2015

1. 毛丝鼠好可爱啊!

Let's ease in with something just as fluffy as a tiny kitten...a baby chinchilla!
Reddit / CN4President


2. 鸽子宝宝,刚刚在我白色衬衫上大号的是你吗?

And from left field we bring you our annoying feathered friends who drop poop packets on your new blouse while you walk to work...pigeons!
Imgur / Pigeonlove



3. 豪猪宝宝的发型原来这么fashion啊!好像贝克汉啊!

You most definitely want to run into a tiny porcupine out in the wild...if only to witness that killer mohawk.
Reddit / Rolling_Toaster


4. 刺猬宝宝全部缩成一团的模样,萌翻了!

Hedgehogs apparently have adorably squishy feet as babies!
Reddit / BaudouinVH


5. 狒狒小时候就这么多烦恼,长大一定是个伟大的哲学家啊!

This little baboon baby has quite the long to-do list, apparently. Such a worrier!
Flickr / Chi King


6. 小一号就是可爱,看了心情真好!

So svelte. Very fashionable. Much baby zebra.
Flickr / Jason and Alison


7. 臭鼬鼠啊,别攻击我啊!但看在你这么可爱的份上,就随便你啦!

As long as this little guy doesn't spray me when I grab him for some cuddles, I'm okay...heck, I'm alright either way!
Flickr / gamppart


8. 小章鱼长得好像橡胶玩具喔~太卡哇伊了!

Did this baby octopus use a curling iron for those ringlets?!
Reddit / Forgar


9. 别以为蝙蝠只是可怕的吸血鬼,看完这张我再也不怕蝙蝠了!

If you thought bats were spooky creatures of the night...look at this one enjoying his mini bottle and get back to me.
Facebook / Australian Bat Clinic & Wildlife Trauma Centre


10. 不说,我还误认为这只小鬣狗宝宝是米老鼠呢!

Your Mickey Mouse ears had me fooled, baby hyena!
Reddit / PaperkutRob


11. 仓鼠baby好小好小喔,感觉这么脆弱幼小就更要好好宠爱他对吧!

Hamsters are already so small...but they are EVEN. SMALLER. As babies.
Reddit / elpelonino


12. 以后《鼠来宝》续集就靠你了!

They may dig holes in your garden...but can you blame 'em?
Flickr / Audrey


13. 躲在后方那只土拨鼠鬼鬼祟祟的模样实在可爱到我都融化了!

Maybe one of these tiny tykes will be the next Punxsutawney Phil?
Flickr / Gregory Laing


14. 骆驼宝宝近看,才发现你的眼睫毛好长好妩媚喔!

I think this baby camel has something sassy up his sleeve.
Flickr / Step


15. 穿山甲,不吵你啦,乖乖睡~

The award for cutest, tiniest suit of armor goes to...this baby armadillo!
Reddit / FatPlatypus


16. 「我这么可爱,可以不要把我煮成汤来吃吗?」

Snakes as adults? Understandably scary. As babies? Who could run from this little guy?
Flickr / Derell Licht


17. 想吃糖却吃不到的饥渴,哎呀这么可爱就别再钓他胃口了啦!

I call this, "Baby Rat In The Throws Of Childhood, Full Of Candy And Innocence."
Flickr / La Tarte au Citron


18. 小时候就已经高人一等了,长大可说是潜力无穷啊!

This pint-sized giraffe is already over those long legs of his. Can you imagine entering the world with those spindly legs? No thanks.
Flickr / Charles Barilleaux


19. 看了这只水獭,就好想抱紧处理喔!

I have no words for this baby beaver besides: are you real?
Flickr / Adam Rifkin


20. Wow!以后去动物园就决定先去看你再说!

Cutest baby hippo ever...or <a href="http://worstcats.tumblr.com/" target="_blank">worst cat</a> ever?
Flickr / Tambako The Jaguar


21. 土豚长得好像外星生物喔,这一般人应该很难亲眼看到吧!

This aardvark is still kinda creepy as a little one...but in a cute way?
Reddit / KiMbErLy2180


22. 豚鼠白白胖胖的,他一对我眨眨眼我整个就疯掉了!

Can you imagine the little squeaks that come outta this young guinea pig?
Reddit / ttott100


23. 如果愤怒鸟改成这只猫头鹰宝宝的头,搞不好会更好玩喔!

I kid you not...this is a real baby owl. It is made of fluff, pure imagination, and wonder...I'm pretty sure. Also magic probably.
Flickr / Josh Henderson


24. 好吧~这只鳄鱼宝宝还是挺可怕的!

Hey there, tiny alligator! Honestly, I'd still like to keep my distance from you, if that's alright.
Flickr / Florida Fish and Wildlife


25. 没想到小小一只拟鳄龟,长大后竟可以轻易咬掉人类的手臂啊!

When this snapping turtle grows up, he'll be just under two feet long, and will be able to chomp off your entire arm if you're not careful.
Flickr / Samantha Forsberg


26. 太不公平啦,大羊驼小时候可爱,长大了更可爱呢,这样我会受不了啦!

Excuse me...I'm going to need a moment of silence while I mourn the tiny part of me that died of happiness when I saw this cute baby llama. R.I.P.
Flickr / Katherine


27. 我想也想不透这只鲨鱼为什么要咬自己的尾巴,但看他动作这么俏皮,我根本就忘了他在海中可残暴的很呢!

I'm not sure why this little guy has his own fin in his mouth, but his goofy grin makes me all kinds of happy.
Reddit / corbinafly

来源:The Dodo


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