
1. 「来吧!一天是一定要抱一次的!」 Instagram / bane_kitty   2. 「喂!别抱那么紧啦!我都快喘不过气了!」 Instagram / finer49r 廣告1   3. 情侣就要这样搂着才睡得着。 Instagram / miwarino_neko   4. 抱抱接龙时间到囉! Reddit / HittingTheSauce 廣告2   5.

May 1, 2015

1. 「来吧!一天是一定要抱一次的!」

Instagram / bane_kitty


2. 「喂!别抱那么紧啦!我都快喘不过气了!」

"Fred, look at the camera! Mom's taking a picture!"
Instagram / finer49r


3. 情侣就要这样搂着才睡得着。

Hug, or choke hold? Either way, it's cute.
Instagram / miwarino_neko


4. 抱抱接龙时间到囉!

All aboard the hug train!
Reddit / HittingTheSauce


5. 这么Q,裤子脏了也无所谓!

...I don't even care that I just washed these pants.
Reddit / Kiss_Me84

6. 爱呀呀呀喔!爱的抱抱!

"In our house, this is how we welcome newcomers!"
Instagram / thebigcatfamily


7. 「咦?我不是打了『请勿打扰』的灯号吗?」

"Excuse me, some privacy, please?"
Instagram / mellanovha


8. 他们眼神中好有爱意喔~

Picture perfect hugs.
Instagram / lavathevizsla


9. 「别这样!你的爱窒息了我!」

"Too much love, Tim. TOO MUCH LOVE."
Instagram / zofhart


10. 扮家家酒的新规则:每10分钟要抱一次!

There's always time for a mid-playdate hug.
Instagram / pshundar


11. 小时候的爱真的是最纯真无邪的啊!

It's best to teach tenderness while they're young.
Instagram / iamkellywallwork

12. 小家伙抱抱的力气也是没在客气的啊!

That's quite a big hug for such a teeny tyke!
Instagram / totte_and_kido


13. 喔~快被闪瞎了啦!

Hugs AND kisses? What a lucky kitty.
Instagram / thefudgeyandcookieshow


14. 「接不到飞盘吗?没关系,我陪你!」

"Don't worry, Dan. You won't fall for that whole trick-throw thing next time."
Instagram / bexleyboy_prettysaro


15. 熊抱进阶版…「虎抱」!

I'd argue that tiger hugs are better than bear hugs.
Instagram / elisebahia


16. 跳探戈说穿了,就是想多抱舞伴几分钟!

Tango is just an excuse to hug your dance partner for a long time.
Instagram / marcustheyorkie


17. 「如果我这样紧紧抱着你,会有糖糖吃吗?」

"Hey there, stranger! Got any treats for me?"
Instagram / heizou76


18. 用头抱,也很甜蜜!

Their arms are occupied with holding them up, so a head-hug will have to do.
Instagram / danfinstagram


19. 这种抱枕,我也要!

"Thanks, Bun, I needed this."
Instagram / pamelalovenyc


20. 先玩个鬼抓人,抓到了才给抱!

"I was gonna hug you, but this tree got in the way."
Instagram / sheena_was_here


21. 好像电影情节,男女主角四目相交的深情对望喔!

"Lemme just look at that precious face before I give ya the biggest hug on earth."
Instagram / laurie2607


22. 「别太想我啦!我下班就马上回来!」

"I leave for ten minutes and this is what happens. Every. Day."
Instagram / kimmigxx


23. 冬天就是要这样取暖,这比任何一张电热毯还棒!

"...Psst...my paw's asleep. Can I be little spoon now?"
Instagram / cerenkali


24. 「隔壁家老王都是这样跟我打招呼的!」

It's always awesome when you get a cool neighbor.
Reddit / bawazone


25. 「想要加入我们吗?欢迎欢迎!」

"You can join us if you want."
Reddit / harshcougar


26. 「别怕!有我在!」

"...Maybe they're not taking us to the vet this time?"
Reddit / Federer45


27. 每个小贝比都该有像这样的麻吉啦!

Every baby deserves a best friend like this!
Reddit / Mr_Pie_Eater



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